04 January 2011

Because of You>A Step Into the Past

*In the post below there are many links and they link to a post from the past. If you haven't been here since the beginning I encourage you to take a peek back in time to where it all began :)

As of today I have 69 subscribers on my blog. Wow. Just Wow. To know that there are 69 people who care what I have to say is pretty cool to say the least. When I started this blog back in March I wasn't sure where it would go or what path blogging would take me on. All I knew was we had a deployment coming up and  I needed a place to let it all out. I wanted others to be able to come here and cry with me. Or laugh with me. I wanted a safe, anonymous place to voice my ups and downs in life. This blog has been such a relief for me. I've learned a lot from this blog like how to survive deployment and listed my favorite deployment playlist songs. My life since starting this blog has been nothing short of a rollercoaster and just when I thought my world was crashing down it all changed. You witnessed Little Miss' first steps, my husband's homecoming, my weight loss journey, and sweet and humble moments in my life. You saw the disaster that happened in my hometown and the guilt I felt about my Grandma passing away. I took you on trips with me like when I took you on a tour of the Army Wives set. We celebrated my birthday together and many holidays. I guest posted for another blogger about what to do when daddy leaves. I announced my pregnancy and shared my loneliness with you. It's amazing to me all that has happened since March and I am thrilled to have this blog. I am so thankful for every comment and each and every subscriber. I hope that my blog continues to be a place for you to come and share your feelings. This blog has helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life and I hope in someway it has helped you as well. I want you all to know that I appreciate you and am here for you if you ever need me. I have an email address set up just for my blog and encourage you to use it whenever you want. Ask me questions or give me a topic to blog about. Or just introduce yourself to me. My email is hewearscombatboots@gmail.com
I also have a twitter page and a facebook page where you can get updates to my blog and other information. You can see links to both of those pages on the right hand side of my blog. So there you have it. My blog since the beginning. I hope you enjoyed stepping into the past with me and reading some of the highlights of my blog. Thank you to all of you and keep your eyes out for a contest. I started a contest before Christmas but lost internet so I will be re-posting it soon. I haven't decided when but I really hope all of you participate because the prize is really neat and very meaningful. Have a great night everyone :)

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