Things are crazy. So much unknown and uncertainty. But in the midst of my crazy I am excited to tell you that my Little Man is down to two feedings a night although he is still waking up 4-5 times. It is so wonderful because I know he needs better sleep and not to eat at night. When he is not nursing at night I am able to rock him to get him to calm down then put him in his crib and he is fine. Right now he's eating at around 2am and again at around 6:45. I have to say though...I'm seriously going to miss seeing his cute face every 1-2 hours. The other night he only woke up once and I missed him while he was sleeping:(
My little man is growing up so fast....I am so not ready for him to get older. He is also now scooting across the floor which is huge. I am just so proud. It's weird though, because with Little Miss she was so behind on everything. I'm not used to having an 8 month old who's mobile. Things are about to get a lot crazier now that he is on the move but that's okay because it means that he is on track with development!
Little Miss is also completely potty trained other than a diaper at night. She even wears her undies during naptime! So proud of my girl. She might be developmentally delayed but she sure is a smarty! Girl potty trained herself in like a week max. She continues to surprise me everyday. Now she says 'I want..." instead of just saying 'sippy'. She has also started calling my husband and I by our first names haha She is talking so much and really starting put things together in her head. She has these times where it's like a little epiphany in her head. She gets so excited and proud of herself. I love watching her learn new things. She has an evaluation on Thursday to see what she will qualify for for school. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but she has been referred to a state run pre-school for kids with special needs. We aren't sure if she'll qualify for a full day or just a few days a week or what and her evaluation is on Thursday. Now, the idea of my little girl being gone at school every day from 9-2 freaks me out but if it's what's best for her...then we will do it. Apart of me wants her to qualify for a full day because I know it would be so beneficial for her but at the same time I want her to not qualify because that will mean she is doing too good to have to go...