03 March 2011


It's amazing how one day I can be so upset and unable to cease crying then today I feel strong. I am still hurt but I can control it and be strong. Last night when I went to bed I prayed. I prayed for peace, strength, wisdom, and courage. I prayed for a good night's sleep. I prayed to wake up with a new day. Today when I awoke all the things I prayed for I received. Today I felt like superwoman. I broke through my sadness and cleaned my house. I did research on everything I will need to know in the coming months. I looked into job opportunities and apartments. I was positive today. I only cried once. I got up the courage to talk to my dad.  I survived another day. Now, I just need to tackle tomorrow. I CAN do this. I am taking everything one day at a time and one step at a time because everything is so overwhelming. At the end of the day I just tell myself, if I can just get through one more I will be stronger. I heard a song on the radio yesterday that brought me to tears but it felt like a sign. Please listen to this song. No matter what you're going through in your life know that every day you will get stronger. Just take it one day at a time and remember to be thankful for the blessings in your life no matter how low life may feel. In the midst of all of this mess I look into my baby girl's eyes and I see a miracle and a reason to go on. Every time baby boy kicks...I feel so BLESSED. Two beautiful children to share my life with. To love. They are my world and will always be. Even in such a mess I am lucky and blessed. I will get stronger.


  1. You where stilettos f*ck those combat boots. You are an amazing woman and never let anyone make you feel otherwise. We all love our men in uniform but the uniform dosnt make them perfect. No one is. But it also dosnt make them right. Love is probably the hardest subject in life. Theres no book or dvd we can play to make us better at it. Give the pain time and it will slowly be a mire memory. It will never go away but like they say what dosnt killed us makes us stronger. And when you're a bette person without him hell kick himself in the ass.

  2. Save this post, and be sure to re-read it on those down days. Sometimes the only person who can pick you up is YOU! Glad you had a better day!
